35 High-Quality Flat Design Resources

This post is from graphicdesignjunction.com Every designer who has spent many hours mocking up web pages, mobile apps or mobile app icons will tell you how important it is to have a reliable set of re-usable, editable and uniform web elements that they can rely upon for the initial rapid prototyping stage of any project. […]

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Clearing NSUserDefaults

There are many ways to store data in an iOS app. Core Data, SQLite and UIDocuments are all available but often the quick and easy way to store some data is to use NSUserDefaults. Sometimes we need to clear all of NSUserDefaults data in your app. And there are two ways to clear it. 1.Delete […]

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UIImage with rounded corners

In this post I will show a good way to resize UIImage, add shadow, corner radius and still have smooth movement of the image. [css] UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image.png"]; // Begin a new image that will be the new image with the rounded corners // (here with the size of an UIImageView) UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(image.size, NO, […]

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Remove all .svn folder from your Linux or Mac

Subversion is a well-spread open-source revision control application. Every copy of source code received from subversion repository has .svn folders, which store metadata. However, if you want to use or distribute source code, these .svn folder are often not necessary. This is a simple example of a unix command, which recursively deletes subversion .svn folders. […]

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