
Using URL parameters on Salesforce standard pages

Salesforce has many URL parameters can be used on its standard page, with this kind of parameters, you can do some URL hacking on it, as below: Note: All of parameters must be encoded with UTF-8. Login page There are two ways to login and access into Salesforce from url. 1. https://<SFDC Instance Url>/ Parameter […]

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Auto Create VF-Controller-DTO-DAO-Code

SalesforceXyTools Auto Create VF-Controller-DTO-DAO-Code Hello,I am Exia.huang. Today I will show you how to create VisualForce/Apex quickly by using SalesforceXyTools. There are 5 steps. Find the menu below. [SFDC-XY]->[SFDC Code Creator]->[Create VisualForce/Controller/DTO/DAO Code] Select your Sobject. I will select Blog__c. Select Custom Fields Or All Fields. I will select custom fields-Include Validate. The sobject of […]

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Rapid development tools for Salesforce.(SalesforceXyTools)

SalesforceXyTools SalesforceXyTools for Sublime Text is Rapid development tools for Salesforce Development. Auto Create Apex Test Class Code, Auto Create Test Data For Apex Test Class. SFDC Dataviewer, SFDC Online Dataviewer. SObject Viewer, SObject Description, Export SOjbect Fields to Excel Atuo Login SFDC. SOQL Query, Tooling Query, Run Apex Script. How To Install? How To […]

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To Fix Error “Require TLS 1.1 for HTTPS connections” of MavensMate v6.0

Well, you may have found that MavensMate shows an error “Server raised fault: ‘UNSUPPORTED_CLIENT: TLS 1.0 has been disabled in this organization. Please use TLS 1.1 or higher when connecting to Salesforce using https.” as below, if you are using MavensMate v6.0 in Sublime Text 3,which is because Salesforce disabled TLS 1.0 encryption recently, for […]

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Usages of ID class in Salesforce

As we know that each record Id represents a unique sObject record. There are two versions of every record Id in salesforce : ・15 digit case-sensitive version which is referenced in the UI ・18 digit case-insensitive version which is referenced through the API And there are many usages of sObject ID,such as: Get the sObject […]

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Calculate the difference between two DateTimes in Salesforce

In Formula Calculate the second difference between two DateTimes. In Visualforce Page Calculate the second difference between two DateTimes. In Apex ※A “Date/time arithmetic expressions must use Integer, Decimal or Double arguments” error will be occurred, when we subtract between two DateTimes directly like Formula.

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Synchronize data between Postgres and Salesforce via Heroku Connect

Somtimes we need to built a Web App with standard open source stacks, like PHP, Node.js and Python,but manage and analytic data with Salesforce standard functions,like record CRUD,views and reports. Heroku Connect provides us a pretty simple solution for this case, that using bi-directional synchronization between Salesforce and Heroku Postgres,whatever standard objects or custom objects. […]

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Save approver automatically in Approval Processes with Process Builder and Flows

In previous post,I shared how to 《Create Roll-Up Summary field to count Contacts on Account with Process Builder and Flows》. In this post I will share about how to save approver(current user) to the target object automatically in Approval Processes, with Process Builder and Flows. Actually,this is another interesting usages of Process and Visual Flows. […]

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