在Batch Apex中使用Aggregate SOQL统计查询语句及结果
- 9月
- 26
- Posted by Lin
- Posted in APEX, Salesforce
In previous post, we had created a schedulable batch apex that implements Database.Batchable<sObject> in Salesforce,
but if you want to use SOQL having aggregate functions like SUM(), MAX(), COUNT() on results grouped by “GROUP BY” clause in start execution,
changing to interface Database.Batchable<AggregateResult> isn’t a workable way, because it fails with the below compile error :
To fix this, using Apex classes that implement Iterator<AggregateResult> and Iterable<AggregateResult> seems the only way for now.
Here is the outline what we should do.
1. Create an Apex class implements Iterator<AggregateResult>.
2. Create an Apex class implements Iterable<AggregateResult>.
3. Implementing to Database.Batchable<AggregateResult>, and Using Iterable at start execution in Batch Apex.
Let’s get started.Iterator
Create an Apex class named “AggregateResultIterator” with the following source code :
Create an Apex class named “AggregateResultIterable” with the following source code :
It seems working fine! : )
Enjoy it!
Class must implement the global interface method: Iterable<AggregateResult> start(Database.BatchableContext) from Database.Batchable<AggregateResult>
The following sample code will explain this.To fix this, using Apex classes that implement Iterator<AggregateResult> and Iterable<AggregateResult> seems the only way for now.
Here is the outline what we should do.
1. Create an Apex class implements Iterator<AggregateResult>.
2. Create an Apex class implements Iterable<AggregateResult>.
3. Implementing to Database.Batchable<AggregateResult>, and Using Iterable
Let’s get started.
Iterator Apex class
Create an Apex class named “AggregateResultIterator” with the following source code : Iterable Apex class
Create an Apex class named “AggregateResultIterable” with the following source code : Batch Apex
Then implement Batch Apex from Database.Batchable<AggregateResult>, and use Iterable<AggregateResult>, AggregateResultIterable instead of Database.QueryLocator at start execution, as the following source code :Operation check
Run SampleAggregateBatch and check debug log.It seems working fine! : )
Enjoy it!
Post Tagged with AggregateResult, Batch Apex, Database.Batchable, Database.BatchableContext, GROUP BY, Iterable, Salesforce, Schedulable
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