Salesforce DevTools Release Notes (version 3.9.0)- Object Fields, SOQL Query Editor

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Release Notes (2022/1/31)

1. Released new feature that supports searching all fields and showing its data usage.

This feature helps you to find fields more easily and quickly, to check its data usage in seconds, there is no need to run many soql to check if it’s a dummy field any more! 🎉

2. Improved feature of Query Editor.

Query Editor is be more powerfull, it helps you make and query SOQL includes reference fields in FULL GUI, and it can export over 2,000 records now.
The related issue is here : #36

3. Supports shotcut to open and close app.

After set a shotcut in “chrome://extensions/shortcuts”, you can run and close Saleforce DevTools with your shotcut and “ESC” key.

4. Update API version to 53.0 (Winter ’22).

This update fixed issues that some objects can’t accessible from Salesforce DevTools. The related issue is here : #64

Happy Coding!

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