Line break character may be escaped by JS in VF Page

The line break character may be changed, if it is sent from Visualforce Page with Ajax(Such as apex:commandLink and apex:actionfunction). Let me show you a sample first. Sample Code Visualforce Page Apex Class Results Click [Compare By Submit] button, and the compare result is “true”. Then click [Compare By Ajax] link,we will find the compare […]

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Salesforce reRender dose not work with rendered attribute

Salesforce reRender will not work, if we’re going to hide reRender target with rendered attribute of itself, as the following sample code. In my opinion, reRender will reset the target DOM Node but not replace it after AJAX request completed,that means we can reset it’s childNodes even it’s html attributes, but cannot remove it.So there […]

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Salesforce RemoteAction and webService

In Salesforce,we can make asynchronous requests from Visualforce Page,via RemoteAction or webService. I will share you the usage of RemoteAction and webService In this post. RemoteAction Using RemoteAction(JavaScript Remoting) allows us to call methods in Apex controllers and get a callback with return data from JavaScript. The @RemoteAction methods in Apex must be static and […]

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The usage of apex:param in Visualforce Page

<apex:param> tag is used to pass values from JavaScript to an Apex controller,it can only be used with the folloing parent tags.   • <apex:actionFunction>   • <apex:actionSupport>   • <apex:commandLink>   • <apex:outputLink>   • <apex:outputText>   • <flow:interview> Here are some small examples of how you can pass a value via apex:param tag in Salesforce. Use <apex:param> in <apex:actionFunction> […]

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