Bulk Approval Processing from List View in Salesforce

I have shared “Approval Processing with Apex in Salesforce” in previous post, and in this post, I’ll continue to share the way of bulk approval processing from Salesforce list view. The outline we need to do is as below : ・Add a custom button for list view ・Set List View Layout ・Add a Apex Class […]

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Approval Processing with Apex in Salesforce

An approval process is an automated process your organization can use to approve records in Salesforce. Usually we can request/approve an approval process through the standard approval process feature, but we can also do those things with Apex in some cases such as : request/approve from VF Page or from Custom Button. Here is Approval […]

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Display Address type field on Visualforce Page

Address is an especial type of fields in Salesforce, which is a structured compound data type, that we can’t use it directly on Visualforce page. And there will occure a compile error like “Unsupported type: common.api.soap.wsdl.Address used in expression: record.BillingAddress”, if we did that. As the code sample below, we need to use fields BillingStreet, […]

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Fix ‘Error: Field is not writeable’ for Master-Detail relationship

An error “Error: Field is not writeable” will occur if you try modifying a Master-Detail relationship field in Salesforce Apex code. So how can we fix it? Maybe using the clone method to insert&delete is the only way, as the following apex code : Reference:Apex System SObject Clone Enjoy It!

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Usages of ID class in Salesforce

As we know that each record Id represents a unique sObject record. There are two versions of every record Id in salesforce : ・15 digit case-sensitive version which is referenced in the UI ・18 digit case-insensitive version which is referenced through the API And there are many usages of sObject ID,such as: Get the sObject […]

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Calculate the difference between two DateTimes in Salesforce

In Formula Calculate the second difference between two DateTimes. In Visualforce Page Calculate the second difference between two DateTimes. In Apex ※A “Date/time arithmetic expressions must use Integer, Decimal or Double arguments” error will be occurred, when we subtract between two DateTimes directly like Formula.

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Line break character may be escaped by JS in VF Page

The line break character may be changed, if it is sent from Visualforce Page with Ajax(Such as apex:commandLink and apex:actionfunction). Let me show you a sample first. Sample Code Visualforce Page Apex Class Results Click [Compare By Submit] button, and the compare result is “true”. Then click [Compare By Ajax] link,we will find the compare […]

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Two ways to use SOQL IN clause

With binding set of Ids We can have a simple SOQL statement like this: Or direct from keySet of Map With binding list of sObjects Actually,There has another way to use IN clause like this: Enjoy it!

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Salesforce ContentDocument sObject in Apex Unit Tests

ContentDocument object does not allow insert DML operation in Salesforce, but we can create it through the ContentVersion object, without ContentDocumentId, then a new version of ContentDocument will be created for us in SFDC, just like the sample code below :

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Salesforce CategoryNode sObject in Apex Unit Tests

In Salesforce,DML operation is not allowed on CategoryNode sObject,even in Unit Test. Although the 《Force.com Apex Code Developer’s Guide》 does not mention it clearly,that CategoryNode object can be accessed in Apex Tests, we have to prepare CategoryNode data first in Setup interface.by clicking Customize > Solution > Solution Categories. The following is the sample code […]

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