Salesforce Developer Event in Japan (2017)

Author Archives: Lin

Salesforce Developer Event in Japan (2017)

100㎡を超える会場空間で2時間、Salesforce技術のことや、プロジェクトのことなど、ごゆっくり話し合いましょう。 開催日時 2017年7月23日(日) 開催時間 14:00 ~ 16:00 会場 東京都墨田区亀沢4-21-3 ケイエスビル3階 co-lab墨田亀沢 参加費 1,000円(軽食、ドリンクあり) 申込方法 調整くん(こちら)をご記入の上で、当日会場までお越し下さい 会場情報 JR中央・総武線 錦糸町駅から徒歩9分 都営大江戸線 両国駅から徒歩14分 都営浅草線 本所吾妻橋駅から徒歩15分

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Using URL parameters on Salesforce standard pages

Salesforce has many URL parameters can be used on its standard page, with this kind of parameters, you can do some URL hacking on it, as below: Note: All of parameters must be encoded with UTF-8. Login page There are two ways to login and access into Salesforce from url. 1. https://<SFDC Instance Url>/ Parameter […]

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KISS principle for apex code with List and Map in Salesforce

Here are some KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) principles for cleaning our apex code with List and Map in Salesforce, as Linus Torvalds said: “Talk is cheap. Show me the code”, let me show you as below: Initialize Map Normal KISS principle Select(SOQL) to Map Normal KISS principle Initialize List Normal KISS principle Map keys […]

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Batch Apex running mode (parallel and series) and how to maintain state in it

In my early post, I’d shared about how to write a Schedulable Batch Apex in Salesforce, and I’ll show you how transactions run in batch Apex and how to maintain their state across these transactions in this post. Batch Apex running mode (parallel / series) As we know, each execution of a batch Apex job […]

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Salesforce Mass Editor (Chrome Extension) – Mass create, mass update, mass clone, mass delete on any list view. Support for both Classic and Lightning!

This’s my second Chrome Extension (First one is HERE) this year, named “Salesforce Mass Editor” and it supports for doing the below things : ・Makes any Salesforce list view to be a powerful mass editor. ・Mass insert, mass clone, mass update, mass delete, ALL-IN-ONE. Support for both Classic and Lightning! ・Export record data to CSV […]

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Instantiating an Apex class based on dynamic string name with Type class

Somtimes we need to instantiate a Apex class by dynamic value in Salesforce, which can make our program more modular and more readable, such as the below case : 1. Each Contact has its socail fields : “Type__c” and “AccessToken__c” 2. Needs to request its profile via socail api in Apex First we need to […]

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Writing a Schedulable Batch Apex in Salesforce

To use batch Apex, you have to create an Apex class that implements interface Database.Batchable in Salesforce, like the following sample code: Execute batch Then you can use Database.executebatch method to execute it. Schedule Apex job To schedule your batch Apex to run at regular intervals, you also need an Apex class that implements interface […]

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Using Aggregate SOQL queries/results in Batch Apex

In previous post, we had created a schedulable batch apex that implements Database.Batchable<sObject> in Salesforce, but if you want to use SOQL having aggregate functions like SUM(), MAX(), COUNT() on results grouped by “GROUP BY” clause in start execution, changing to interface Database.Batchable<AggregateResult> isn’t a workable way, because it fails with the below compile error […]

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Zip attachments only with Apex in Salesforce

Before this post (about 2 years ago), I’d shared a post that is about how to zip attachments with JSZip and Apex in Salesforce, and recently I found a more simple way to do that thing, which is only using an Apex library named “Zippex” ( view on Github). Here is the outline of my […]

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